Unleash Your Intellectual Potential. Try IQube for Free Today
IQube is available at just £119 per year.
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£60 / month
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Lifetime access
per year. Billed annually
- Forget about expensive monthly subscriptions, get access for a one-time activation fee of £238.99USD. Then just £14USD per year.
- 100% Tailored to you.
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- See how you compare against others.
- Workout your mind & keep it sharp!
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Bianually access
£35 / month
Total $210
- 100% Tailored to you.
- Track your progress.
- See how you compare against others.
- Workout your mind & keep it sharp!
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Lifetime access
per year. Billed annually
- Forget about expensive monthly subscriptions, get access for a one-time activation fee of £119.99USD. Then just £14USD per year.
- 100% Tailored to you.
- Track your progress.
- See how you compare against others.
- Workout your mind & keep it sharp!
(No credit card required)
Quarterly access
$60 / month
Billed Quarterly
- 100% Tailored to you.
- Track your progress.
- See how you compare against others.
- Workout your mind & keep it sharp!
Bianually access
$35 / month
Total $210
- 100% Tailored to you.
- Track your progress.
- See how you compare against others.
- Workout your mind & keep it sharp!
No, we don’t guarantee any results. Whether you’re able to increase your intellectual performance or spatial intelligence at all is outside of our control. There are many conditioning factors such as how much you train, your genetic potential, your habits, the degree of attention you pay to the exercises, and more. We’re like a gym; we provide the means so that you can train, but your progress will depend on you and other factors that might be external to you.
No, due to the nature of the product (eg, someone could just download the software files, run them on their computer and then ask for a refund), we do not offer refunds.
How long until I see results? No one knows for sure. It will depend on how much you train, how consistent you are, your genes, and many other factors. As a reference, Spatial Intelligence programs carried out by researchers have produced results in 2-6 months.
According to research, the mean of improvement across hundreds of spatial intelligence training interventions tested was half a standard deviation for 2 to 6 months of training. For those who don’t know what a standard deviation is, it means that someone who was average (that is, better than 50% of the population but worse than the other 50% at spatial thinking) could train up to the 68th percentile in 2-6 months (the 68th percentile means that that person would become better than 68% of the population, although would still be below the remaining 32%). Someone at the 68th percentile who improved by half a standard deviation would reach the 84th percentile, this means that person would be above 84% of the population. Those with lower initial levels of spatial intelligence tend to exhibit greater and faster progress. Moreover, to date, psychologists have not found a limit to how much Spatial Intelligence can be improved; no training has ever been observed to improve spatial intelligence to a ceiling.
At the very least, you should accumulate 2-3 hours per week of training. It’s okay if you train less; you can get by with 60 minutes per week. Being consistent is crucial. But what’s more important is that you enjoy it; don’t feel pressured or obliged to follow any strict habits. The purchase of access to the program is lifetime, so there’s no rush. Train when you feel like it and when you feel like being intellectually challenged!
This is a tough question. The short answer is: We don’t know. The long answer is: Maybe. Spatial Intelligence is improvable. It is also one of the most important components of IQ, measured by tests such as the WAIS (in the WAIS, Spatial Intelligence is measured with the Perceptual Reasoning Scale, a sub-scale that aims to measure Spatial Intelligence). Therefore, In all the IQ tests in which spatial intelligence is measured, your results in their spatial reasoning scales will improve, and thus so will your IQ. Does it mean you have become smarter? Well, science does not yet know for sure if obtaining a higher IQ score through improving Spatial Intelligence necessarily means that you have gotten smarter, since it hasn’t particularly been extensively tested yet. It is a complicated and long topic. However, researchers have seen that improving Spatial Intelligence leads to better performance in STEM-related domains (for example, students who at first were not able to pass certain courses could successfully pass with good grades after receiving training in Spatial Intelligence). They have also seen that better spatial intelligence means better math skills, stronger coding skills, and higher likelihood of success in STEM, among others. That’s exactly what you would expect from someone who’s gotten smarter; higher intellectual performance.